Napleton Chrysler Jeep Dodge - dealer at 1460 East Osceola Parkway Kissimmee,  FL 34744
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1460 East Osceola Parkway Kissimmee, FL 34744
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Defending Against Auto Theft: Are You an Easy Target?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Auto Theft Are you the proud owner of a Jeep Grand Cherokee, Dodge Caravan or Dodge Ram 1500? Would it surprise you to know that this car is among the most often stolen vehicles in America? In the United States, a car is stolen on average every 26 seconds, making the odds that you will become a victim of this crime shockingly high. So, what can you do besides drive a less desirable vehicle or install the latest and greatest in anti-theft technology to deter thieves? Instead, try thinking like a thief to avoid the most obvious pitfalls that make your car an easy target.

According to police and professional auto theft experts, the following is a list of suggestions for keeping your car from being an easy target:

Spare keys in a magnetic box or under your visor are so "yesterday." Don't leave spare keys in your car; instead, keep an extra key in your purse or wallet. Thieves, and virtually everyone else, already know where all the "hiding places" are. (After all, you DO watch TV don't you?)

Never leave personal information in your car. Keep your registration and insurance information with you. At least if your car is stolen, you can rest easy knowing the thief doesn't know where you live. After all, if you have a "hot" car that's worth stealing, what else might you have at home that's of equal interest?

Americans are so used to the sound of a car alarm going off that few heed its cry. Instead of using just a motion-sensitive car alarm, use one that has a pager that will notify you as soon as your alarm is activated. That way at least someone (YOU) will react to your cars cry for help.

Don't tempt car thieves. Keep valuables out of plain sight. Take them with you or store them in the trunk. Even something as small as a handful of change in a cup holder or a laundry bag in the back seat can encourage a thief to take a closer look at your car.

Don't just lock your steering wheel. Lock down your car's ability to start by using a starter disable switch and putting it in a place only you are aware of.

Never leave your keys in the ignition, even for a few minutes. Besides taking a chance on accidentally locking yourself out of your car, car theft is a crime of opportunity, so don't make it easy for them to run off with yours.

When parking late at night or in poorly trafficked areas, select well lit and easy to get to spots. At sporting events, water parks, airports, etc., opt for paying the extra few dollars for the monitored parking lot instead of using the free parking if you can afford to do so.

Consider using a professional car alarm systems installer instead of a retail store installer. Unlike most retail chain stores, alarm experts can insure that no visible wires will make it easier for a thief to disable your alarm system.

Don't advertise your alarm system brand by displaying decals all over your car. This just makes it easier for a knowledgeable thief to know what to do to disable it, and to be able to do so that much more quickly.

Granted, if a thief really wants your car, there's little you can do to avoid it. No amount of high tech security, locks, or fancy alarms will stop a true professional. However, auto theft is usually a crime of opportunity. While following the above guidelines won't make your car burglar proof, it will make a potential thief think twice and keep your car much safer while unattended.

Napleton Chrysler Jeep Dodge is a full service parts and installation provider. If you're concerned about auto theft, stop by and speak to our service manager today about installing or upgrading your existing anti-theft systems. You'll be glad you did.

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Vehicle Preventative Maintenance Tips: The Key to Car Value

Friday, September 4, 2009

Preventative Maintenance
The moment you drive away from the sales lot, wear and tear begins and your car value starts to decline. It's a common assumption that because a car is brand new, it won't need maintenance for a while. Don't be taken in by this false assumption. Regular preventative maintenance, rather than repairing severe damage, is the key to keeping you on the road, upping your cars resale and trade in value, while keeping your cars warranty intact. Here are a few preventative maintenance tips that promise to help you with doing just that.

Checking fluids and the air filter - Regularly checking the various fluids such as the antifreeze fluid, transmission fluid and the brake fluid is important, as they might lose their ability over time to lubricate and to prevent rust. Checking the air filter regularly makes the engine last longer, as it can "breathe" freely. A clean air filter prevents dirt from clogging the engine.

The Coolant - Correct coolant levels prevent severe consequences. Ideally a 50-50 water- coolant mix is recommended, however extreme conditions may require a 70 coolant-30 water proportion.

Tires 'tire' too! - Often given the step-motherly treatment, tires tend to wear out just when you need your car the most. Checking inflation pressures is the least expensive car maintenance of all and goes a long way in increasing the tire's life, as well as giving you improved gas mileage. In general, tires should be rotated every 5,000 miles or so, to prevent uneven wear.

Get your car checked regularly - Follow the maintenance schedule as per your owner's manual. And do not neglect even a small problem, as it may have the potential to zoom up into a major catastrophe.

The bottom line is regular servicing. Not just any servicing, but first-class servicing, that keeps your new car in top shape for years to come. This is exactly what we at Napleton Chrysler Jeep Dodge, Orlando, Florida strive to provide. Hassle-free scheduling of service appointments and highly-experienced, well-trained personnel to care of your Chrysler Jeep Dodge - nothing but the best for Chrysler's Jeep's and Dodge's in and around Orlando!

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